In a desperate attempt to rescue its year from the shock of BREXIT, Virgin Atlantic has launched a rather ironic advertisement about the “bright” side of things.
The video can currently only be viewed here (on Facebook). Virgin has also launched a BREXIT savings calculator webpage, which is quite amusing. After all, who doesn’t want some of the best British products for a cheaper price?
I dubbed the ad as ironic because while Virgin is aggrandising the weakening Pound-Sterling by portraying it as a boon for foreign travellers, it simultaneously blames the pound for its bleak financial forecast for 2017. It makes sense that Virgin is looking outside home for a silver lining because even though UK Travel industry as a whole looks fairly healthy, UK travel to US (one of Virgin Atlantic’s primary markets) has decreased sharply since last year (possibly owing to the weaker pound).
As for what it means for me as an American: perhaps it is time that I take advantage of the savings before the Pound-Sterling regains some of its former strength. And while I may not fly Virgin Atlantic in the end, they sure made me think twice about taking advantage of the relative strength of the dollar. London’s historic charm and the idyllic English countryside will never fail to seduce me.
In conclusion: I have a feeling that 2017 may not be as bad for Virgin as it anticipates.
And no matter what they say in the Ad, I seriously doubt I could afford to buy everyone drinks at Lamb & Flag – no matter how weak the pound is
What are your thoughts on BREXIT and European travel? Did you like the Ad?