During my first two days in Tokyo, the rain continued to come down hard and it made walking outside rather challenging. So what do you do when it is pouring during your time in Tokyo? You walk around and take pictures of Tokyo streets with its many people carrying bright and colorful umbrellas.
Here are 6 street scenes from Tokyo in the rain:
I’m often afraid to take my camera out in the rain for fear that it might the last time I take it out. However, walking the streets of Tokyo was so inspiring photography wise that I ended up drenching myself and using my umbrella to cover my equipment. And yes in case you are wondering, I do have a rain cover for my Sony A7ii, but I never completely trust it to cover my gear.
Anyway if photography is not your “thing”, Tokyo station has an awesome underground mall with terrific food stalls. The best part of these food or sweet stalls is that there were a lot of free samples! The problem for me was I wasn’t sure all the stuff was vegetarian
Tokyo is one of the finest cities to photograph in the rain and there is not a short list of other things to do while you wait for it to clear up…..
Japan Trip Report Index:
United Business Class DFW – IAH
United Polaris Houston – Tokyo (Narita)
Narita Express (Narita – Tokyo Station)
Focal Point: Tokyo in the Rain